How to Talk Medicare With Clients

How to Talk Medicare With Clients

You want to talk to clients about how health care costs need to be managed in retirement, but you don’t know how to approach the topic. It seems invasive or taboo to bring up something so personal.

But there are ways you can naturally bring it up and refer them to Medicare BackOffice®. We created a tip sheet to help you identify opportune times to approach the topic, what to say and how to transition smoothly to the referral. You can get the “How to Have the Medicare Conversation” tip sheet here now, or at any time by visiting, clicking on the “Resources” tab and selecting “Library” on the drop-down menu. 

In a survey by the Nationwide Retirement Institute, nearly three-quarters (72%) of Americans admit they don’t fully understand how Medicare works, and more than half of survey respondents wrongly believe all Medicare coverage is free. Don’t let your clients make the mistake of not planning for Medicare premiums, co-pays and other health care expenses. You don’t have to be a Medicare expert — simply refer clients to our Licensed Insurance Agents, who can help them manage their Medicare costs and answer their questions.

Start by reading the tip sheet.

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