How Medicare Smart Are You?

Which of the following do your Medicare-enrolled clients need when reviewing their Medicare health insurance and Part D Prescription Drug plans?

You answered “B.” That’s incorrect! The answer is “D.”

When you discuss with clients the importance of reviewing their Medicare health insurance and prescription drug coverage this Medicare Open Enrollment Period (Oct. 15 to Dec. 7), make sure your clients know that they need to gather all of this information before calling Medicare BackOffice. To make this easier for your client to remember, give them a copy of the Medicare BackOffice “Guide to Medicare: Helping You Navigate the Medicare Maze,” which includes on page 17 an “Already 65 Checklist.” (For your clients who are approaching their 65th birthday, give them the guide and direct them to page 11 through 15 for their initial enrollment period and our “Turning 65 Checklist.”)

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