Process Questions


Yes, and we encourage you to do so and to ask questions. We also encourage you to review our process before having your clients contact us, so you fully understand our process.

We will email you to let you know that we discussed Medicare plan options with your client. Because there can be some time between our initial discussion with your client and when he or she makes a decision on a Medicare plan, we also will email you when the client enrolls in a Medicare plan through us. If your client hasn’t enrolled in a Medicare plan through us after about six months, we will email you with that update. See the whole process here. You also can check the status of clients you’ve referred to us at any time by logging in to the Medicare BackOffice website to view your client dashboard. The client dashboard lists the names of clients who have made it to the application phase, each client’s referral date, if a policy was issued, the issue date and the policy type.

Yes! Under our “Resources” tab, click on “Client-facing” to find documents, videos, PowerPoint presentations and emails that help you assist your clients with understanding Medicare and Medicare BackOffice. These include our popular “Guide to Medicare: Helping You Navigate the Medicare Maze” and a video that clearly explains the importance of reviewing Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans each year during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period — and more!  

We’ve made it easy! There are three ways to refer:

  • Encourage your clients to call us at 1-877-385-8083 and tell them to provide your name to the Licensed Insurance Agent.
  • Click on the “Refer” button and complete the requested form. We will contact your client.
  • Have your client complete the “Contact Us” section on the consumer side of (To access the consumer side of the website from the homepage, they must click on “Enter Here” under the “Consumers” section. Or, just give them this link, which takes them there directly: We will contact your client.